Financing Curricular Resources with T3 Federal Funding
Looking for comprehensive and transformative software that enhances multilingual learners' English language learning? Look no further! Robotel’s SmartClass language teaching platform and English as a Second Language full curriculum allow districts to provide authentic language learning opportunities for their EL and immigrant students.
Title III and Title III Immigrant funding have very established parameters for funding allocations, as they should. Robotel’s SmartClass is an ideal allocation for Title III and Title III immigrant funding as stated in Title III code:

“EL and immigrant student funds must be used to increase the English language proficiency of EL and immigrant students by providing language instruction educational programs and access to challenging State academic standards. These programs must also provide effective professional development to teachers, principals, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel”. (Title III, Section 3115)
The SmartClass learning and teaching platform provides ELs opportunities to enrich and remediate topics in English as a Second Language through its full English Language curriculum which includes newcomers through advanced English Language Proficiency levels. The SmartClass platform and curriculum fill in the learning gaps that many ELs have experienced in their sociolinguist development. To enable educators and districts to support the vastly differing ELP levels, the Let’s Talk English full ESL curriculum provides the necessary tools to reach each EL at their English Language proficiency level. The spiraling thematic units and scope sequence remedy the challenge of individualizing instruction for each differing ELP level which is a common dynamic in all ESL classrooms.
Title III and Title III immigrant funds serve the purpose of providing districts with the necessary funding which in turn is leveraged to seek out the perfect resources that can serve the unique needs of their EL students and their families. The Let’s Talk English full curriculum which spans newcomers through advanced ELP levels (bridging/reaching) is the ideal scope and sequence for any ESL program. There is also an option for parent accounts so that Title III funds can be used to purchase accounts for parents to practice and improve, alongside their children, their English Language Proficiency Skills. More information can be requested by filling out the form below to contact a product expert.
The purpose of the immigrant student education program is to provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth. These opportunities may include, but are not limited to:
- Family literacy, parent and family outreach
- Recruitment of personnel, including teachers and paraprofessionals
- Provision of tutorials, mentoring, and counseling
- Identification, development, and acquisition of materials, software, and technologies
- Basic instructional services needed by immigrant students
- Other instructional services needed by immigrant students
- Activities coordinated with community-based organizations, institutions of higher education, or other entities to assist immigrant students and their families.
In over 41 states and countless countries, English Language learners must take the ACCESS 2.0 for ELLs annually. This is a rigorous test that is administered to ESL students from kindergarten through 12th grade. The assessment gauges a student's English proficiency in all four language domains, reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The SmartClass instructional and learning platform and Let’s Talk English full ESL curriculum provide synchronous and asynchronous opportunities for practice, enrichment, remediation, and differentiation for all four language domains. Students predominantly lag behind in the productive domains of speaking and writing. Though the Robotel SmartClass platform and curriculum focuses on all four domains, special pedagogical interest was in focus on the language learners' productive skills of speaking and writing. Through SmartClass software students receive immediate feedback, practice recording their voices during pronunciation and speaking activities, fine-tune their receptive skills with countless listening/reading activities, and are able to monitor their own progress in the English Language for that reflective piece of learning.
Per the recommended list of Title III and Title III immigrant fund allocations, it is important to invest federal funding into a resource that will show results and aid teachers with the complicated task of meeting all students at their differing ELP levels. These funding allocations and instructional opportunities are perfectly fulfilled with the SmartClass platform and accompanying Let’s Talk English Curriculum. So, do you want to properly allocate Title III and Title III immigrant funds to maximize your EL’s educational experiences and to even the playing field?
Implement Robotel’s SmartClass instructional and learning platform with its accompanying Let’s Talk English full ESL curriculum encompassing all ELP levels from newcomers through advanced.