C1 Level English curriculum with auto-graded activities
Finding a C1-level English curriculum isn't an easy task. Finding a good one is even harder. Most textbook series have multiple books with a different focus each. One for writing, one for conversation, another one for grammar, maybe a vocabulary builder ...
SmartClass's "Let's Talk! English" series is different. In our advanced, C-level English book, you will find everything in ONE curriculum, with half of the activities automatically graded for you by our platform.
1. Overview
The "Let's Talk! English" series is a full curriculum, that can be used as the only curriculum, or as a supplemental resource for ESL teachers all over the world. Ranging from A1 to C2 of the CEFR, it encompasses a wide variety of activities to teach and learn English as a second/foreign/other language. The different sections in each level are vocabulary, grammar, conversation, authentic videos and interviews, readings, games, projects, review, and assessment.
Depending on the level, there are 350-600 activities in each book. Because the students don't work with a traditional paper/pen workbook but rather have the activities assigned to them in the SmartClass platform, half of those activities are automatically graded. This concept also allows for a lot of individual speaking activities, where students record their answers in the platform so teachers can grade those whenever/wherever.
However, we also know how important printed materials are for students, so we are working on a student resource book that will include all vocabulary lists, translation sheets, grammar charts, readings, and game and conversation worksheets. So stay tuned for the release this summer!
2. Focus of the C1 level English curriculum
The focus of the C1/C2 level English curriculum is writing. Most students taking a C1 or C2 level English course are doing so to succeed in English proficiency tests. And those tests often have a huge writing section, where students are asked to write essays, opinion pieces, reviews, or summaries.
That's why every chapter of our C-level English curriculum not only focuses on vocabulary building and grammar but also teaches new advanced writing skills to prepare students to be successful in those tests and real-life situations.

But don't worry, we still made sure to include over 60% of automatically graded activities (247 total) and a lot of speaking (61) and listening (79) activities throughout all sections and chapters.
3. Benefits for students
As the great language teacher that you are, you obviously care about your students and their success, and you want to make sure they have fun while learning. Here are some of the key benefits for your students when you use our C1 LEvel English curriculum (or any other level for that matter):
1. Relevant topics
2. Engaging and fun activities
3. Lots of speaking practice and listening comprehension
4. Real-life situations
5. Take time to learn and review at home without the rush of the classroom

6. Instant feedback on over 50% of activities
7. AI-supported pronunciation practice
8. 20 different activity types
9. Lots of practice but without unnecessary repetition
10. Review section before every assessment
11. Projects and kinesthetic activities
12. Combination of technology and traditional teaching materials
13. Ability to listen to themselves and rerecord speech
14. Practice skills on their own (without embarrassment or fear)
15. Become more confident in front of people
4. Benefits for teachers
1. Full curriculum
2. All skills in one series
3. No need to supplement but the ability to
4. Create your own activities with your own materials
5. Easy differentiation

6. Ready-to-be-assigned activities
7. Collaborate and exchange activities with other teachers
8. Synchronous and asynchronous teaching
9. Assign and grade from anywhere, any device, any time
10. Everything in one place
11. Activities and folders ready year after year
12. Modify activities in seconds
13. Give written and verbal feedback to your students
14. Empower your students
15. Prepare students for any kind of test and life after school
If you want to find out more about our C1 Level English curriculum, watch our 30-minute webinar with Lindsey Klein, one of the lead authors. She goes over all the important points and benefits for both you and your students.
You can also visit our website and our blog for more up-to-date information about language teaching and technology!