New Release 2022: Web Version and more

You might wonder why there is so much ado about the new Web version of the SmartClass Hub platform. The functionality is mostly the same. However, the benefits to the user experience are undeniable.


Here are some of the key improvements:


The SmartClass HUB Web Version hosts the heavy processes on powerful servers, leaving only the visual aspect managed by the browser. 

A few concrete examples:

  1. Download speed for SmartClass Content is 60x faster than before

  2. Interface response time is instantaneous
  3. Folder activation time decreased significantly 



Easy to access

No need to install any software. Whether you have a Mac or a PC, the web version of the SmartClass Hub is now accessible via the major browsers Chrome, Edge, and Safari with secured access with SSL Certificate. In addition, the updates are swift, frequent, and without any intervention from the users.


Simplified class management

  • User Assistance. The active user assistance of the SmartClass Hub guides teachers through their first steps with the platform. In addition, we've included a series of tooltips that bring the teacher from creating their courses to sharing activities and reviewing student responses.
  • Create classes easily. To register students in your class, just send them an invitation link. It's as simple as that.

  • Grade and comment easily. We offer a new simple activity report to grade, comment on, and review students' performance. This report also gives teachers an overall view of students' progress and performance.



Adapted to students' needs

  • The new Web Version for students has been optimized to improve usability, notably with a portrait orientation user interface, bigger buttons, and a toggle function between stimulus and questions.

  • Students can have another chance to submit a new answer with the REDO button.



Learn more about the key improvements and read the KnowledgeBase Article. 


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